
If I could be someone else for a day .. I will be….

If you could be someone else for a day, who would you be, and why?

What!.. I will not want to be anyone else but myself … However, since it’s a hypothetical question… I will start here…If I could be someone else for a day. I would like to be Prime Minister( President) depends on which country I’m elected to lead… Some reasons for choosing this character includes but is not limited to what I will write here..

First I must begin with addressing the disruption, disrepair and despair that government have brought onto their citizens.. Most often governments have the power to make decisions that can hold back and empower people.by some of the laws they enact..

They and I mean most of them will sell people all sorts of lies and untruths to get into power. They will promise you the moon if they could get away with it…. just to get into power with the main motive of having control.

As Prime minister, I would do my utmost best to be honest to the people of the country I was elected to govern.. I will hold my elected representatives to account to ensure they are doing the job of the constituencies they are to be governing..

To have accountability for the promises made during the election and carry them out to the best of my capabilities. I will listen to the people and their concerns.

Yes I will be aware that I have limitations that I will come up against by the opposition because that is their right and responsibility to oppose that which they may deem to be wrong or not in line with their views..

Nonetheless , having such power places me in a position to listen to each side of the issues and do the best I can to govern for all citizens of my country and make it my mission to bring about change that will foster unity. Yes, I am also aware that some people ( a minority of them to be specific) thrives on disruption, violence and hatred .. however ,, I will not let that deter me from ensuring that the people who have entrusted me to govern them will have some confidence in knowing that I will not break the trust given to me ..

Politics has created such divisiveness in this world .. I would like to see a politician who can be bold enough to listen to both sides of the story but enacts laws based on his or her integrity and a genuine willingness to govern for all citizens .

Perhaps I’m just an eternal dreamer ,,hoping that one day this will be so..

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